Last week I put out a plea on both the Cricut Messageboard and the UK Scrappers card forum asking if anyone would be able to help me with a few christmas cards. Basically, I am under a lot of pressure to get a big batch (I usually do upwards of 150) of christmas cards made to sell at the school Christmas Fair which is on 29th Nov. What’s wrong with that I hear you ask! Well, nothing until you then factor in that with 2 weeks to go they are now asking me to help run a “craft room” at the fair where the children can pay to come in a make little crafty gifts such as bookmarks and decorations. And? Well, it would appear that me and my friend Ellie the Expression have been nominated to be the ones to put together these little activities!. So I now have to do that as well as find the time to get the cards done. In a nutshell, LOADS of people, including some from over the pond, have said they would be happy to send me some cards and the first batch arrived today. One lot has come from my friend and Dolly Divas team mate on UKS, JuliaDunnit (Julia Budd). Jules, they are gorgeous. Didn’t I say not to make them too good or I’d end up buying them all myself?? The other batch came from another lovely lady on UKS, Margaret (aka, Cats Whiskers). Again, they are brilliant. I am so touched. When I get a chance I will post a picture of all the lovely cards that I’ve been sent. I feel so blessed right now!
Snowflake wreath acetate card
This is a variation on the floral garland and wedding garland card. I knew as soon as I designed them I wanted to do a christmas version so this is my first go. This one done using the same circle from the George cricut cart and a fiskrs snowflake punch. It’s stickled to withing an inch of it’s life – as usual! This is my sixth card for the class tommorrow.