Liz at Pink Petticoat posted this template on her blog yesterday and I thought was the perfect thing for our christmas fair on Saturday. Four of us gathered round my kitchen table this evening and look at what we made!! They are so cute. I haven’t put the tags on them yet but thought I’d do that tommorrow as it is now 1 am and my eyes are crossing!! Liz, thank you for sharing this, we had a blast making them.
Pyramid boxes
More donated cards – WOW!
More cards!!
Another bundle of cards have arrived for the Christmas Fair on Saturday. My camera battery is charging at the moment so I willl take a photo of them later and share the wonderful work with you. Thank you so much Lyn (aka Honeypip on UKS),Helen Miles (UKS – Helen M), Joan Blackmore (Cricut MB), Nicky(CraftyLittleNicky – Cricut MB), Lou Wood (lou@papermaker – UKS). Your cards are all brilliant – I am so grateful to you all. Eileen (UKS – Eileen C) passed on some cards that her friend had donated to another fair which were left over so thank you for those too.