An award and a new header!!!
The Sugar Bowl Challenge #3
Ok, so due to my overcomplicating things by a) having two candys and b)by saying you would go in the draw twice if you linked my candies on your blog – it has taken me over an hour and a half to go through every entry and sort them into the correct “hats”. However, it is done and I can now reveal the lucky winners. They are…
Tonya (Olde Country Creations – USA) who wins the CARD CANDY
Emma (Crafty Emma – UK) who wins the SCRAP CANDY.
Well done girls, if you could send your details to me I’ll get your goodies off to you toot sweet.
Thank you to everyone who entered and took the time to visit me. I’ll be offering up some more candy sometime in the near future so keep a look out!! Next time I’ll make it easier on myself though and do one at a time!!!