
Hello sailor!!

Popping in with a quick post – it’s WAY past my bedtime!! – to share I card I created for the current CASe This Sketch Challenge.  I’ve gone all manly with this one and used the fabby Dockside and Dockside Backgrounds sets from Wplus9.  I bought these a few months ago and this is the first time I’ve had a chance to play with them – and I LOVE em!

Birthday BoyHere’s the sketch:


Sorry – really don’t have time to do the linky thing right now – eyes.falling.out…

Nighty, night!!


A floral birthday

Hey there – happy weekend-eve!  Can’t tell you how pleased I am that it’s Friday – what a week!! I’m sharing a card with more Fresh Cut Florals today paired with a fabulous sentiment from Clearly Besotted’s Say It in Style set.  Once again my skill at photographing gold embossing has let me down – need some tips!!

happy birthday fcf orange

This card was inspired by the 2nd challenge over at The Card Concept…. Use Texture.  I used my MS mini scoreboard again to create the debossed lines on my panel and then brayered over it to highlight them.  Now – is this Clean and Layered or is it bordering on Shabby Chic??  Just not sure but I’m sure it’s one of them!!


Right, I’m off to get myself a nice warm cuppa – it’s FREEZING here at the moment!

Have a lovely evening where ever you are in the world xxx

Caryn x


Sugar rush!

If you haven’t got a sweet tooth then look away now, lol!  I’ve got a pink and girly card to share today inspired by the colours over at the new challenge blog, The Card Concept.  I think my card definitely falls into the Clean and Layered category – lots of crisp white space and clean lines but with layered images and a few embellishments.  I love the idea of this challenge – it really makes you look at your style and how it might be interpreted.

Sweet Birthday macaronsThe first challenge has a colour combination and/or photo inspiration – I wasn’t so much guided by the photo but more by the colours – I LOVE pink and brown together, must use it more often!!

card concept 1

Have a lovely Sunday where ever you are.


Caryn x