I am so loving my new discovery. I have always dismissed CD-roms and things like that as they always seem to be full of a lot of stuff that just isn’t my style(ie, out of the Create and Craft stable – no offence to anyone who likes their stuff – personally I find most of it horrendous! (runs and hides). However, I have recently stumbled across Pink Petticoat and her designs are just gorgeous. I love the Cheekies download with all the little frilly underwear images and yesterday downloaded a new christmas one. Haven’t had a chance to play with that one yet but itching to now. Actually, these little frillies would make great chrismtas cards if they were done in red – yum.
I LOVE Pink Petticoat!
My first scraplift
This was lifted from a LO I saw on UKS and I think it may also have been in Scrapbook Inspirations too. The original wasn’t christmassy but I loved the use of the Banana Frog swirl stamps and the little embellishments. I thought I’d put this up today as I’m in a particularly festive mood. Merry Christmas everyone!!
Happy Wednesday.
Ooh, is it Wednesday already? I have been busy finalising my 6 cards I am doing for my class tommorrow night and finished the last two designs last night. I am quite pleased with these ones as the title of this class is “Bling it On”. There will be glitter galore so I’ll be in my element.
Just have to deal with mundane housey things first – yawn.