

Yes, I have succomed to the nasty cold that is doing the rounds here at the moment. Started to come on me at the crop on Saturday after the christmas fair. By the way, the fair was a huge success but we definitley underestimated the popularity of our Elves Workshop! We DID NOT STOP! The whole event raised £5000 so it was outstandingly successful. Will try to post again later – off to top up my brufen!


LOADS more cards to show you – but not now!!

Only because it’s nearly 1am and I simply MUST go to sleep! Thank you to those who have again sent me some FABULOUS cards for the fair. Teresa (UKS – Ffroggie) and Katy (UKS – KatyMouse)- two of my fellow Dolly Diva teamies sent a great big box – they are brilliant girls, thank you. I also recieved a shoebox full of beautiful cards from Steph Ward (Cricut MB). The decoupage and pyramage cards are so amazing. May have to give it a try. Thank you also to Cath (UKS – Coreysmum), your cards are really cute. I now have a grand total, thanks to all you wonderful, generous ladies, of 158 cards to sell at the fair. I will try to get a total tommorrow of exactly how much we make from them and post it on here. Now, I really MUST go to bed!


Some more fab blog candy at "All the things I love".

Go and check this out a( if you, like me, LOVE christmas, b) love anything pink and c) love entering draws just for fun!!
I know I never win anything (hubby is the one with the lucky streak – he picked me after all – snigger) but you have to be in it to win it as they say!

Anyhoo, off to see to my children. With everything that I’ve been doing for the school fair tomorrow, I’ve pretty much been neglecting them. – Bad mummy!