
Countdown to Turkey.

No not Christmas already – Turkey the country! We’re off on a Sunsail holiday on Friday for 2 weeks. We haven’t been away this year yet (well if you don’t count Centerparcs!)so am really looking forward to it. It’ll be the first time on a plane with 5 kids so it’ll be interesting if nothing else. I have to say I am going to miss updating my blog so if I can persuade the hubby to take the laptop I migh tbe able to post a few things. Don’t want you getting all green though!!(hee hee).

In recognition of our upcoming holiday I am sharing a LO I did of Chris and I taken on our fabulous holiday to Majorca a couple of years ago. It was the first time we had been away with friends and it was ABSOLULEY FANTASTIC. We can’t have been too awful either because they went away with us again last year to Portugal!


Wedded Bliss

Thought I’d post up this LO I did of our wedding day over 13 years ago (I was a child bride! – okay, 22, but that seems young now)! I was at mums today and whilst rifling through some old stuff I came across a video of our wedding. We never actually had a copy for some reason and so I haven’t watched it for over 10 years. Anyhoo, it made me feel rather old and Chris looked like a 12 year old! I found some old school photos too which I’ll scan and put on Facebook later!!! Oh to be 22 again – I wonder if my wedding dress still fits…..

The title was done using a masking technique I saw in Scrapbook Inspirations a couple of years ago. I used chipboard letters but you could use anything for the mask. Place your desired shape where you want it (I used a bit of low tack tape to make sure it didn’t move)then sprinkle embossing powder over it. You then heat from the underside which is a little tricky but wasily enough done. When the powder is all melted you take your shape away to reveal your image. Thought I’d just add this info as a few people have asked how it was done. Hope that all made sense!


What a Wet Weekend!

Wet for 2 reasons – 1. It’s raining and 2. We took the 5 kids swimming to West Kirby Concourse (our local municipal sports centre) this morning. Because of the ages of our children (eldest is 9, youngest is 11 months) there are restrictions on the ratio of children to adults in public pools. Now that Daniel and Olivia are 9 and 8 we ar able to all go – hurrah! It is a headache and something of a military operation to get them in and out but nevertheless we all had a great time.