
Some photos from Turkey

Just thought I’d pop a couple of photos up from our holiday. Seems like a million years ago now!


We’re back!

This is the first chance I’ve had to get to my blog since we got back on Sunday! There’s been a ton of busnessy-type things tpo do and don’t even mention the washing!
The journey back was a tad traumatic – started with Pippa vomiting then Sophie on the bus then about 10 other people on the flight. Apparently if one more person had been sick we wouldn’t have been allowed off the plane because of a public health risk!! Just as well Chris managed to keep it down – he was feeling rough the whole way home too.

Right, better go and think about dinner – pizza sounds good to me!!!


EEEk! I still haven’t packed!!

Well, I’m sitting here (on hold to British Gas I might say – harrumph), still not packed but at least I have made a start – my bed is buried under 7 piles of clothes ready to be shoved in a case! The problem I have is that this holiday is a bit different to what we’ve become used to. We ALWAYS go self-catering, usually a villa (or lodge in the case of centerparcs)! This time we have a “family suite ” – two adjoining hotel rooms basically which is a bit worrying for me. I don’t fancy handwashing clothes in a hotel sink but then we physically can’t carry 14 days worth of clothes for 7 people!! Oh I should just stop winging and get on with it! How spoilt am I??

Ok, to keep me in the holiday mood, here is a LO of a brilliant holiday we had in Cornwall a few years ago. “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside” – EVERYBODY -” Oh I do like to be beside the sea……”