
Some more fab blog candy at "All the things I love".

Go and check this out a( if you, like me, LOVE christmas, b) love anything pink and c) love entering draws just for fun!!
I know I never win anything (hubby is the one with the lucky streak – he picked me after all – snigger) but you have to be in it to win it as they say!

Anyhoo, off to see to my children. With everything that I’ve been doing for the school fair tomorrow, I’ve pretty much been neglecting them. – Bad mummy!


Pyramid boxes

Liz at Pink Petticoat posted this template on her blog yesterday and I thought was the perfect thing for our christmas fair on Saturday. Four of us gathered round my kitchen table this evening and look at what we made!! They are so cute. I haven’t put the tags on them yet but thought I’d do that tommorrow as it is now 1 am and my eyes are crossing!! Liz, thank you for sharing this, we had a blast making them.


More donated cards – WOW!

As promised here are pictures of the wonderful cards that have arrived yesterday. Thank you for these girls – they really are outstanding. I was showing my friends them today and they were amazed.

Lou Wood

CrankyLittleNicky (Cricut message board)

Helen Miles

Joan Blackmore