
Chipboard tree decorations

Although I had to miss half of it (hmmph) I went to the Wirral scrapcrafters “All day crop” on Saturday. It was lovely to see everyone again as I haven’t been able to get along for AGES. Something always seems to be on which stops me from getting there. Anyway, one of the challenges was to alter a chipboard tree (Kaiser crafts I think it was). It was great – I did two! I haven’t managed to get a decent photo of the second one yet but here is the first one I did. It goes lovely in my kitchen although Chris was none-too-pleased about the nail I stuck in the freshly plastered wall!!!


  1. awesome!

  2. What a great idea.
    Love the Christams papers too 🙂

  3. The christmas tree is great I love what you have done with it. can’t wait to see the next one

  4. Wow, thats gorgeous – dont worry about the nail, what else is polyfilla for??? Hope you feel better soon x

  5. Love your Christmas tree… very festive. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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