


When our youngest daughter Pippa decided she didn’t like being in her own room and insisted on getting into bed with her big sister Olivia every night (despite the fact that Olivia shares her bed with about 20 stuffed animals including an almost life-sized unicorn AND one of our cats – seems to be his favourite sleeping spot)  we thought it best to move them in together.  Of course that free’d up one of the bedrooms.  So what was I expected to do with it?  Make it a laundry room, a play room, a guest bedroom?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It is now our family craft room!  I added a couple of extra desks and an Expedit unit from Ikea and here is the result so far:

Olivia still has her own desk where she does homework etc (she’s a big crafter too).  I also haven’t sorted out any proper storage system for the shelves so will need to take a wee trip back to Ikea for that!  I also think it is lacking in colour and decoration so will have to work on that too! 

By the way, this is the tidiest this room is ever likely to be.  I can’t wait to play in it!!

Caryn xxx


  1. WOW: Lucky you to have your own craft room to play in 🙂 It looks fabulous so far – I think Ikea is doing very well out of all us crafters converting rooms and furnishing walls with their Expedits etc to hold all our crafting stash! lol.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Alex x

  2. oh WOW!!! I’m a bit envious of your beautiful bright and spacious new room! Can i come over to play?

  3. it deff looks pretty freakin sweet!

  4. I’m so jealous I can’t stand it! Is is gonna stay that organized? LOL xxD

  5. oh my word, its gorgeous …

  6. Wow! This looks fantastic! I love all the space you have – you’re going to have loads of fun playing in there! x

  7. Looks fab Caryn and sooooo neat!

  8. When can I come play?! LOL!

  9. You lucky girl, what a fab place to play 🙂
    Katie x

  10. Yahoo!! Well done and I KNOW how much fun you’ll all have in there – decor doesn’t matter – you can plaster it in LOS and ideas!

  11. oh wow – am so jealous!
    I’m going to have to wait til either a. Scott leaves home (he’s 11 now) or b. we win the lottery and can buy a bigger house.
    can’t wait to see it when you put your stamp on it all 😉

  12. Looks wonderful – nice size too! Just lacking a fold out bed for when I come to stay 😉

  13. oh-la-la!! What a fabulous space! So much room and it is so nice and organized! Love it!

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